School Dinners
School Meals are provided by A.I.P
School meals are run independently from the school and provided by AIP. Hot dinners must be ordered by the Wednesday preceding the week you wish your child to have the hot dinner.
Meals may be ordered weekly, half termly or termly in advance.
The current cost of a hot meal is £2:40 a day.
If your child is absent from school, please telephone A.I.P. on 01432 376091 by 9:00am to cancel the meal and receive a credit.
Should you encounter any problems, please contact A.I.P directly.
Visit & select the ‘register’ button at the top of the page.
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Universal Free School Meals
All children in Years R, 1 and 2 are entitled to a free hot meal at lunch time under the Governments Universal Free School Meal Programme.
Meals still need to be ordered in advance by the Wednesday of the preceding week.