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Holmer C of E Academy

Holmer C of E Academy

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A handpicked Reading journey for you and your child to share together

 We are thrilled to share with you your some of the books that your child will experience in school and others we recommend sharing at home. We have created a handpicked selection of recommended children's books that promise to captivate and inspire your young readers. From enchanting picture books to exciting chapter novels, this diverse collection includes works from renowned authors. Reading with your child is not just an enjoyable activity; it also plays a crucial role in their cognitive and emotional development. The shared experience of delving into a book together fosters a strong parent-child bond and opens up avenues for meaningful conversations. Beyond the academic benefits, immersing your child in the world of literature enhances their imagination, empathy, and language skills. Witnessing the joy and pleasure that reading can bring is truly magical, and we encourage you to embark on this literary adventure with your child. Together, let's create a lifelong love for reading! 
