Eco Committee
Holmer Eco-Committee is made up of staff and children who are passionate about making our school more sustainable and helping us become more aware of green issues. The children are the driving force behind the Committee which meets on a regular basis to discuss new ideas and plan activities aimed at increasing environmental awareness.
Each year we start by carrying out an Environmental Review of the different topics: Biodiversity, Marine, Energy, Litter, Water, Healthy Living, School Grounds, Global Citizenship, Transport and Waste. We then look at our results to decide which topics we will want to work on. We have lots of discussion and a vote to make a choice on what areas we need to prioritise in our action plan. In previous years, we have chosen Water, Transport and Waste.
We will be keeping everyone updated with our progress through our very on eco-board! You can find it in the Y1 corridor.
Finally, having already obtained our Green Flag accreditation, we are hoping to hang on to this by keeping up the good work in 2024/25.