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Holmer C of E Academy

Holmer C of E Academy

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1. RE - Autumn 1 - Who do Christians believe created the world?

2. RE - Autumn 2 - What do Christians believe God is like?

3. Science - Autumn 1 - Habitats / Autumn 2 - Microhabitats

4. Geography - Autumn 1 - Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place?

5. History - Autumn 2 - How was school different in the past?

6. Computing - Autumn 1 - Computing systems and networks

7. Computing - Autumn 2 - Digital Photography

8. D.T. - Autumn Term - Mechanisms Moving Story Book

9. Art - Autumn 1 - Drawing: Tell a story / Autumn 2 - Autumn 2 - Sketching

10. Music - Autumn 1 - African call and response song / Autumn 2 - Orchestral instruments
