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Holmer C of E Academy

Holmer C of E Academy

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Our Christian Values

" Inspiring us all to create a better world."


Matthew 5:13-15 " You are the salt of the are the light of the world."

What are our Christian Values?

Our Christian Values

 Our school vision encompasses everything we are at Holmer. Each term our vision is lived out through a theme : Generosity of Spirit, Service to Others and Commitment to Excellence. Exploring Jesus the Light of the World is a theme that runs through the whole year. Within these themes, our Christian Values are learnt, explored, lived out and links to the Bible explored, studied and understood. 

 In addition,  through the curriculum, we foster wisdom, hope, cooperation and dignity to enable every child to flourish in the fullness of life.

At Holmer C of E Academy, we are proud that Christian values are at the heart of our community and they underpin all that we say, do and teach throughout our school. Our school aim and termly themes have been the driver in selecting our core Christian values which change monthly, providing children with the knowledge, understanding and experience to recognise and celebrate each value both in school, and as well as the wider world. 

Throughout the year, we teach a programme of Christian Values through which our children, staff and wider community can explore and understand the distinctive Christian character of our school. A new Christian value is introduced and becomes the focus each month providing opportunities for everyone to appreciate and reflect on each value. 

We teach forgiveness and friendship, we nurture compassion and respect and we celebrate generosity and compassion as part of our daily lives. Throughout each month, children are encouraged as individuals to recognise the values within themselves and others, gaining an understanding of how each one forms an integral part of the community and wider world. During collective and class worship, teachers, as well as the school worship team, use each value explicitly to explore stories within the Bible, and we believe, that by teaching each value and using and celebrating them in our daily lives, we are empowering children with the skills to flourish in the wider world

Our monthly values are linked to our Aims:

Exploring Jesus  - the Light of the World 

We are reminded of the value of Love every month 


Service To Others

September - Courage
October - Justice
November - Trust 
December - Friendship


Generosity of Spirit
January - Generosity and Respect 
February - Compassion
March - Forgiveness
April - Thankfulness


Committment to Excellence 
May - Perseverance
June - Service 
July - Truthfulness


Every month we explore Jesus the Light of the World and are reminded of his love.


Policy on Embedding Justice in the Curriculum and Behaviour Management
